You are a vampire ( •̀ ω •́ )y . You act as a decent person in the day and you kill and utilize people and your invisibility during the night.

*in dev*


- Use mouse to control

- There is a count down in the game at the left bottom cornor. Players start the game in the form of human during the day, and transform to a form of ghost/vampire at night when the count down ends.  During the night, players need to kill an NPC to survive by clicking that NPC. Also,  at night, player may access places that they cannot go during the day. After killing, transformation to human will happen immediately.

- Press the pause button at the left corner to pause the game.

- Note that NPCs may have important items or info players need to get to pass the level, so be careful of choosing which one and which order to kill.

Feedback would be highly appreciated!

Good luck, have fun, and thanks for playing!


Lingyan Jiang

Cheng Zou (ZittaCheng)


你是一个鬼耶( •̀ ω •́ )y




- 用鼠标点击控制

- 玩家以人类身份进入游戏,左下角会显示一个倒计时。倒计时结束意味着夜晚来临了,而玩家就会变成鬼。为了活下去,每天晚上玩家都需要用鼠标点击一个NPC来杀死对方。杀人后会立刻进入白天。晚上在鬼的形态下也可以去到一些白天去不了的地方哦。值得注意的是:NPC们有可能会通关必须的信息或者物品,请谨慎选择杀死他们的时间顺序。

- 点击左下角的暂停键可以暂停游戏。

- 点击画面右下角可以进入全屏模式。




Lingyan Jiang

Cheng Zou (ZittaCheng)

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